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How to Protect Your Business: Daily Security Habits

-- If you are driving, in a restaurant, or other public place and you notice suspicious individuals, armed personnel or protective security details, immediately depart the area.

-- Do you vary your times and routes to and from work?

-- Do you keep your doors locked and windows closed (residence and vehicle)?

-- Do you check the interior and exterior of your vehicle prior to getting into your vehicle? Look for things that are irregular or abnormal.

-- Do you maintain a low personal profile by not doing anything that draws attention to yourself?

-- Do you report to the police, vehicles/persons possibly involved in surveillance of your activities?

-- Are you alert to what is going on around you?

-- Are your colleagues and family aware of your daily plans and do they know how to reach you? Schedules that are the most predictable leave you the most vulnerable. Be unpredictable when possible in both your work and social schedules.

-- Always be aware of your surroundings. Report all suspicious activity to local police officials.

-- In traffic, always attempt to leave space in which to maneuver. Always leave yourself an exit (escape route). Be prepared to take evasive action at any time.

-- If you are being followed or harassed by another driver, try to find the nearest police station, hotel, or other public facility to call the Police. Never lead the person back to your home or stop and get out.

-- Whenever possible, do not have a set day for personal errands (e.g. shopping). Be unpredictable.

-- Never give out your personal information such as family member and household staff names, addresses and telephone numbers in an open setting.

-- Brief all of your family members on security measures.

-- Inform your family, supervisor or colleagues of your whereabouts if you are traveling overnight.